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Investing in your Technical Future

Explore the Computer Science Pathway at Del Norte High School. All Del Norte CompSci classes are designed to provide a real-world development experience. Grading is focused on time invested, analytics, participation with peers, and engagement in learning.

  • Project-based learning with teacher support
  • Tech Talks by teacher complimented with Student Teaching
  • Course learning includes Coding Languages, DevOps, GitHub, Research and Ceativity
  • Student teams practice Agile Development Methodologies: planning, communication, collaboration
  • Class lab time provided and approximately 2-3 hours of homework per week
  • Game of Life

  • Test_file

  • Final Blog

  • Review Ticket for Dynamic Game Levels

  • Platformer Game v2.0

  • Socket.io Multiplayer Game

  • Platformer Development for Multiplayer v1.x

  • Enemies

  • Dynamic Game Levels

  • Mario Player with Hills Background

  • Mario Hills Background

  • Mario on Platform

  • Refactored Alien World with Coyote

  • Refactored Alien World

  • Monkey Animation

  • Dog Animation

  • Alien World Background

  • Plan for Web Programming Basics

  • Animation Reflection

  • Animation Plan

  • Animation Output

  • GPA Calculator

  • Calculator HTML

  • Minesweeper

  • Week 3 Plan

  • Snake Game

  • Calculator MD

  • Game of Life

  • Week 2 Plan

  • Sample of Detail Plan

  • Sample Review Ticket

  • Sample Tool Procedure ...

  • Sample Daily Plan

  • All Review Tickets