Computer Science and Software Engineering

Sprint4: OOP Programming Fundamentals

Students, in triads, will work on converting Mario game to OOP. There will be a series of Tech Talks to support this activity.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
14 - Mario Player with Hills Background
- Mario Hills Background
- Mario on Platform
- Dynamic Game Levels

Sprint5: Research, Teaching and Game Innovation

Algorithmic "Student Team" will have a teaching assignment, the Teacher of Student requests will be providing topics (Local Storage, Pixel art, Phaser.js, RAWG apis). During Teach weeks teams will research a topic, form a final project "game" plan.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
17 - Review Ticket for Dynamic Game Levels

Sprint6: Create a Final Project and N@tM

Trimester 2 concludes with student presenting their CPT project at N@tM. Each person within "Student Teams" will have their own specialty within the student project that satisfied all their Create Performance Task requirements. Student should be able to talk about design, coding, and present features of their portion of the system.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
18 - Platformer Development for Multiplayer v1.x
- Multiplayer Game
- Platformer Game v2.0
24 - Final Blog