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Intro | 6.1: Array | 6.2: Traversing | 6.3: Enhanced for | 6.4: Algos |
Unit 6 - Arrays
Unit 6 Team Teach - Arrays
6.1 Array Creation and Access
- Array: A data structure that holds a group of object references.
- Element: A single item stored inside an array.
- Element index: The location of an element in the array (in Java AND PYTHON(called a list) the first element is at index 0).
- Array length: Number of elements in the Array
Declaring Array
To declare an array, you need the name of the array and the datatype.
Syntax: dataType[] arrayName;
(note in python that no need to declare which is called dynamic typing)
int[] grades; // Declare an integer array
String[] class_list; // Declare a string array
boolean[] light_switch;
Creating an Array
Gives memory for the array but we need to specify its size for java compared to python(with arraylists in the next lesson you won’t)
// Syntax: arrayName = new dataType[size];
int[]grades = new int[5]; // Create an integer array with 5 elements
String[]class_list = new String[3]; // Create a string array with 3 elements
boolean[]light_switch= new boolean[5];
// Can also predefine the terms rather than setting to default value
Printing out an Array
import java.util.Arrays;
// Printing out the array with java method
[100, 90, 100, 10, 20]
Popcorn Hack 1(Time 0.5 minute)
Create an array that represents numerous car brands(Audi, toyota,etc. )
Array with custom Objects
class Coder{
public boolean codecodecoder;
public int age;
Coder(boolean codecodecoder, int age){
Coder[]allthecoders=new Coder[5];
for(int i=0;i<allthecoders.length;i++){
allthecoders[i]=new Coder(true,10);
[REPL.$JShell$26$Coder@5a4be8a2, REPL.$JShell$26$Coder@548c1d9b, REPL.$JShell$26$Coder@50b383d2, REPL.$JShell$26$Coder@15b117a0, REPL.$JShell$26$Coder@10baf34c]
Accessing Array Elements
Acsessing an element’s value using it’s index in the array
int[] grades = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
int element = grades[1]; // Access the second grade (20) using index 2
System.out.println(element); // Output: 30
# Python translation/example
student1_grade=grades[0] # the first element in the array/list
Popcorn Hack #2(Time 1.5 Minutes)
- Make an array of chars, representing people’s grades
- Try to adjust the letter grade of at least 3 people
Array Length
Finding the length of the array.
int[] Students_commits = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}; //number of commits for each student
int length = Students_commits.length; // Get the length of the array and assign to an integer variable
System.out.println("Array length and number of coders: " + length); // Output: Array length: 5
Array length and number of coders: 9
print("number of students",length)
number of students 9
Modifying Array Elements
Updates the value of a specific element in the array.
// integer array
int[] grades = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
System.out.println("Before: "+Arrays.toString(grades));
grades[2] = 35; // Change the third grade to 35
System.out.println("After: "+Arrays.toString(grades));
// boolean array
boolean[]light_switch={true,false,true,false}; //array of light switches with true meaning the light is on and false meaning its off
System.out.println("Before: "+Arrays.toString(light_switch));
light_switch[0]=false; // turn off the first switch true-->false
System.out.println("After: "+Arrays.toString(light_switch));
// String array
String[]student_names={"Bob", "Sir Mort"," Sir Tarun", "Sensei Wu"};
System.out.println("Before: "+Arrays.toString(student_names));
student_names[0]="Sir Jonathon";
System.out.println("After: "+Arrays.toString(student_names));
Before: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
After: [10, 20, 35, 40, 50]
Before: [true, false, true, false]
After: [false, false, true, false]
Before: [Bob, Sir Mort, Sir Tarun, Sensei Wu]
After: [Sir Jonathon, Sir Mort, Sir Tarun, Sensei Wu]
# Python translation/example
grades[1]=100 # changing the secon d element to 100
Before [10, 20, 30, 40]
After [10, 100, 30, 40]
Iterating Through an Array
Loops through the array, printing each element.
int[] numbers = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { // going from the first index(0) to the last index(length of array-1)
System.out.println("Index "+i+": "+numbers[i]);
Index 0: 10
Index 1: 20
Index 2: 30
Index 3: 40
Index 4: 50
for i in range(0,len(numbers)):
Index 0 : 10
Index 1 : 20
Index 2 : 30
Index 3 : 40