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Unit 7 ArrayList P3
A Unit of documents that overview Array Lists in Java
- ArrayList is a resizeable array
- ArrayLists are dynamic meaning that its size can be altered as necessary
- Instead of creating a new array of a different size and copying the data from the initial array to the new one, we can use ArrayLists
- To use an arrayList it is necessary to be imported from the java util package
Static: Once initialized, size cannot be changed (arrays)
Dynamic: Size of list can be changed at any time (arrayLists)
import java.util.ArrayList; // Import the ArrayList class
// Declare and initialize an ArrayList of integers
ArrayList<Integer> numbersList = new ArrayList<>();
- ArrayLists are created in a similar manner as other object classes
- in the <> when declaring an arrayList is the data type it will contain. (integer, string, etc…)
- Can also make an arraylist without declaring the data type but it can prevent error detection
ArrayList<String> wordList = new ArrayList<String>(); // with data type
ArrayList blankList = new ArrayList(); // without data type
- You can get the number of items in an ArrayList using the .size() method
- All arrayLists start with 0
ArrayList<String> sizeList = new ArrayList<String>();
You can add values to an array list by using add method. syntax: list.add(obj)
How you would join the end of a line to buy a ticket (similar concept)
ArrayList<String> addList = new ArrayList<String>();
int size() - Returns the count of elements within the list.
boolean add(E obj) - Appends the object obj to the end of the list and returns true.
void add(int index, E obj) - Inserts obj at the specified index, shifting elements at and above that position to the right (incrementing their indices by 1) and increasing the list’s size by 1.
E get(int index) - Retrieves the element at the given index in the list.
E set(int index, E obj) - Replaces the element at the specified index with obj and returns the previous element at that index.
E remove(int index) - Deletes the element at the specified index, shifting all subsequent elements one index to the left, reducing the list’s size by one, and returning the removed element.
Java allows the generic ArrayList
, where the generic type E specifies the type of element. -
When ArrayList
is specified, the types of the reference parameters and return type when using the methods are type E. -
is preferred over ArrayList because it allows the compiler to find errors that would otherwise be found at runtime.
ArrayList<Integer> a1 = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Double> a2 = new ArrayList<>();
import java.util.ArrayList;
// Create ArrayList of Integers
ArrayList<Integer> a1 = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("Initial size of a1: " + a1.size());
// Create ArrayList of Doubles and add elements
ArrayList<Double> a2 = new ArrayList<>();
System.out.println("Initial a2: " + a2);
// Remove element at index 2
a2.remove(2); // Use index for removal, not value
System.out.println("After removing element at index 2: " + a2);
// Insert element at index 1
a2.add(1, 1.5);
System.out.println("After inserting 1.5 at index 1: " + a2);
// Retrieve element at index 2
Double elementAtIndex2 = a2.get(2);
System.out.println("Element at index 2: " + elementAtIndex2);
// Replace element at index 1
Double previousElement = a2.set(1, 1.75);
System.out.println("After replacing element at index 1: " + a2);
System.out.println("Previous element at index 1: " + previousElement);
// Get the size of a2
int sizeOfA2 = a2.size();
System.out.println("Size of a2: " + sizeOfA2);
POPCORN HACKS 7.1 & 7.2 Create an ArrayList of Strings with the following elements: “Apple”, “Banana”, “Cherry”, “Date”, “Elderberry”. Complete the following tasks using the ArrayList methods you’ve learned:
- Task 1: Print the size of the ArrayList.
- Task 2: Add a new element “Fig” to the end of the list.
- Task 3: Insert “Grape” at index 2.
- Task 4: Replace the element at index 4 with “Guava”.
- Task 5: Remove the element at index 1.
- Task 6: Retrieve and print the element at index 3.
At the end of each task, print the current state of the ArrayList to verify the result.